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baby bunny update #6 and baby gerbil update #2

Tuesday, May. 29, 2007 | 3:11 AM

the baby bunnies will be three weeks old on wednesday. here's some pictures of them in the cage that i took a few days ago. they've abandoned the whole nest thing at this point, now they're hopping all around. pretty soon they'll be big enough that they can walk on the wire, and i won't have to have all that hay in there. pixel is getting all stained from laying on it all the time.

here also is a video. you can see how pixel growls at me and doesn't like me.

"i think i'll climb on mommy..."

"...hey guys, look at me!"



the baby gerbils are about nine days old. here's a few pictures that i took of them earlier today.

the two on the ends are both boys. they're gonna be a color called "dark eyed honey." the two in the middle are both girls, and they're gonna be the same colors as the parents. the light one is called "yellow fox," and the dark one is agouti.

this one is my favorite.

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