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seattle trip, day #1

Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2010 | 3:53 PM

to make the task less daunting, i will write about our three day seattle trip one day at a time. so this text here will be about the first day, thursday.

david spent wednesday night here, and we headed out about 9:30 am. it took about three hours to get to seattle. i had made a very detailed plan for where we were going to go each day. the first thing on the list was eating at a place called agua verde, which turned out to be a bad idea. david said his burrito was bad, and i ate only half of a very boring tasting quesadilla thing.

then, we went to the university of washington, where david talked to different advisers about his applying to go there. this part wasn't particularly interesting to me, but it was the reason why we even went to seattle. we spent a few hours on the campus.

after going to the motel to check in and drop off our stuff, the next thing on the schedule was to go to the library. normally i wouldn't find a library a very exciting place to go, but the seattle library is an interesting building that is worth visiting. unfortunately, the traffic was horrible. it was the worst i'd ever seen, and i live in portland. there was absolutely no place to park, and so we had no choice but to go back to the motel. driving to and from the library actually took a few hours in the traffic. it was already getting dark, and my plan was ruined.

we decided that we had to replan the next day to include using the bus as transportation instead of the car. i spent that night and the next morning reordering things and cutting things out, and figuring out which bus to take where.

we decided to eat dinner at a place near the motel, called the 74th street ale house. i had a sandwich with a breaded chunk of chicken, some kind of sauce, mozzarella cheese and cream cheese. (yes, after many years, i am finally eating some chicken food items.) it was actually very, very good, and i had some tasty apple cider with it.

this day wasn't a very good day overall, with the traffic, the rain, and my plans getting canceled. dinner was very tasty though, and the most important thing was that i was with david. i'm happy if i'm with david. (mostly.)

this concludes day #1 of our trip.

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