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another entry about benadryl

Sunday, May. 04, 2008 | 4:33 AM

i need to go to the doctor so bad...but i really can't.

i wrote here in some previous entry that i was feeling healthier. well, that came and went. i've been feeling terrible. i did some reading on the dangers of diphenhydramine (benadryl) overdose and "recreational" usage tonight. i think that i am not still feeling the effects of it directly... but feeling the effects of things that it did to my body.

hopefully i'm wrong.

all i know is that i feel so bad. i want to write more, but i'm getting this weird stressed feeling and i really want to get things done that i need to get done so i can go to bed.

yet at the same time, all i want to do is sit here or lay down because i feel so bad.

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