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playing ferrets

Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2007 | 11:12 PM

frisky and the new ferret are quicky becoming good friends. it took a few days for the new one to get used to things and open up to frisky, but now they're starting to play together, and it's so cute! i can tell that frisky is glad to have a friend, he seems happier now.

here's a video of them playing.

i'm still trying to think of a name. so far i've thought of yoshi, badger, slinky, cocoa and stitch. yoshi is a little geeky, badger doesn't seem "cute" enough, slinky just isn't as easy to say as i'd like, cocoa would fit but i'm not sure how much i actually like it, and i've used stitch before, though it's kinda appropriate for a ferret. do you have any suggestions?

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