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thinking back

Thursday, Apr. 22, 2010 | 4:08 AM

it was around 3 am when we laid on the pavement. we were both blowing off our parents and their expectations of our returning home. it was a usual portland night, with grey clouds lightening the hue of the sky and small patches of starry blackness behind them.

it didn't matter that my legs were hurting as we had earlier walked across a bridge and along the willamette river. i didn't want to stop, and neither did he i'm guessing, seeing as he never mentioned going home.

we did rest now and then. the downtown lights flickered in the water as we sat upon a dock of some sort. i couldn't tell you what we talked about. i don't think it mattered. everything that was unspoken was much more important. it was gestures, and glances and the breaking down of barriers. he gave me his jacket to wear when i was cold. better to warm me than to go home.

we walked in the waterfront park grass. he picked me up and carried me just to see if he could. perhaps neither of us wanted to keep our hands off each other. when the sprinklers went on, the grass was made inaccessible. we were tired, and neither of us quite normal, so we laid down on the pavement.

over time he snuggled closer to me. i was cold and this gave him the perfect excuse. i guess it gave me the perfect excuse to allow it. he ended up gently resting his arm on me. i actually wanted nothing more than to snuggle in close to his body and hold him to me, but i held back.

i could tell we were falling in love.

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