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two youth groups

Saturday, Nov. 03, 2007 | 10:11 PM

i still have two youth groups that i wanna write about, but at this point i'm not gonna write it all out.

from the youth group that was two weeks ago, i suppose the most interesting thing (as far as i can remember) was that melissa asked me to come early and create the powerpoint. so i came in and stat down and started typing, and then added the background and stuff when i was done. i thought it was kinda cool that i got to do that, i felt like i was actually being useful and purposeful. i told her that, so i think i might be creating the powerpoints from now on.

it was really hard to focus though, because everyone was all talking all around me. i need almost silence to really concentrate. so i ended up making mistakes that i didn't notice until it was up on the screen and everyone was looking at it. i did stuff like, typing "found" instead of "fount." i felt kinda supid, but oh well.

i recorded melissa when she talked. you should give it a listen, if you can hear it.


at last week's youth group, they had a halloween party. there was no powerpoint or music or anything. rachel was actually there. she hasn't been coming for months now. after seeing her there last week, i realized that i actually miss her. she kept saying stuff like "want to come with me," and "come on sarah," so i ended up doing more than just sitting in one spot the whole time. and she loved bubble.

they did some interesting things, so i took some videos...

they played some game where they wrapped rachel in duct tape, sticky side out, and then threw qtips at her, trying to get them to stick. i started out recording them wrapping her, but i didn't have the best view, and ended up recording kevin as he sat next to me and talked to me. he always does that, he comes and talks to me and just rambles on about random things. i kinda like it, because he talks of crazy things and is often entertaining. so now here's your example of that. it wasn't one of his funniest moments though.

after doing the qtip thing, they wrapped the duct tape around tim's head and stuck all of the qtips on it.

they also did some three legged racing in a big giant stocking. it got ripped and destroyed pretty quickly though. then they just used a bag thing.

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