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tornado = scary... even if it's small

Saturday, Oct. 06, 2007 | 5:18 PM

to further the tornado entry...

while driving to school on thursday, my dad pointed out some clouds. they were like lines, going from the earth to the sky. he was like, "hey, that's weird." i actually thought about tornados when i saw them. i couldn't figure out any other reason that there would be clouds like that. plus, i had heard of one tornado somewhere in oregon the other day.

then, last night, they talked about a new tornado on the news. it was a small one, of course, but they showed the video of it. when it just started out, it looked exactly like those lines that we'd seen. this tornado wasn't near here, though. those lines we saw were different, they were near here.

normally i wouldn't worry too much about hearing of something that's not nearby portland. but i actually saw what might have been the beginnings of a tornado, though obviously it never came to anything. so now i'm kinda paranoid. especially right now, i keep hearing a bunch of sirens rushing off somewhere, and the wind is picking up and stuff. there's nothing on the news... but it's scaring my paranoid mind.

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