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sleep deprived

Tuesday, Jul. 24, 2007 | 12:29 PM

i don't know what's wrong with me.

on sunday night, i went to bed around 12 because i couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. but even though i was so tired, i was still awake around 3, when bubble whined to go out. i think i finally got to sleep around 4, then i woke up at 6. i fell back asleep sometime after that, and woke up again around 9. i tried to go back to sleep again, but was still awake when bubble whined to go out at 11. i finally fell asleep sometime after 12, only to wake up again at 1:30. i don't think i ever fully got back to sleep, before i finally got up at 3.

it was another very tiresome day.

last night, i went to bed around 1. i got to sleep sometime after 2, and woke up around 3:30. i fell asleep again, and then woke up at 8. i have been up since then, and can't get back to sleep. i got frustrated and got up.

one of my problems is lolly. though she wasn't so much a problem when i could actually stay asleep for more than like three hours. she's only a problem when i wake up, can't get back to sleep, and then she starts making noise. she has REALLY annoyed me this morning.

i think i'm gonna start keeping her outside, at least at night. i'm not as attached to her as the other cats that i've had for years, so i can be riskier with her. if i can actually sleep again, it's worth the risk.

the other cats don't bother me. they did when i first brought them in my room, but they've mellowed out a lot since then. they've gotten older, and have adjusted to being lazy indoor cats. frisky also doesn't bother me anymore. i know i complained a few times about him keeping me awake, but that was when i was getting lazy about letting him out to play every day. i've been consistantly letting him out every night before i got to bed, and so he's been sleeping while i've been sleeping.

so if i put lolly outside, that would almost solve my noise problems... except for the mice. the mice make noise. i didn't know, when i got them, that they would be making this noise. they like to jump on the water bottle, making it bang against the glass, and then climb around upside down on the screen on the cage lid. this is a lot noisier than one would think. i can't think of a way to make them stop doing this.

i also can't keep the cats from laying on top of the cage. they've torn a little hole in the screen already. i'm afraid that if they keep laying up there, they're gonna make it bigger, and then they're gonna be able to get in there, and i'm gonna walk into my room one day and find some dead mice.

so i'm torn. for my sanity and their saftey, i almost want to find them another home... but i still really want them. i mean i haven't even had them for very long. i don't know. what should i do?

i don't mean to say that lolly and the mice are the causes of this sudden sleep problem. it wasn't so bad just like, four days ago. for some reason now i have the inability to stay alseep very long, and have a hard time getting back to sleep when i wake up. i don't know why this is happening. it sucks so much. i am so tired of... well, being tired.

oh, and andrew finally responded to my emails. he gave me six months of supergold. so like, now i have comments. isn't that spiffy?

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